Sunday, December 26, 2010

Classics Buzz Off : Heroic Spy in the Sky

Buzz-Off was the subscription figure for December, and took around six hours to sell out.

Real Name: Tzzzzt zzz zzTTTzz
Heroic King of the Andreenids, a bee-like species closely related to both the Kex insect people and the Arachna Spider-Warriors, Tzzzzt's race evolved into fierce warriors, guarding their home and their ambrosia honeycombs with stubborn dignity. Although he initially preferred to keep his people's neutrality, a sky war initiated by Skeletor gave Tzzzzt more than enough reason to ally himself with King Randor's Masters of the Universe. He often partners with Mekaneck using his wings for airborne spying missions.

Buzz-Off comes with a helmet, an axe, and a spear.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Classics Weapons Pak : Great Wars Assortment

The second weapons pack was released in November 2010, and took almost three days to sell out. Well, while the sword for She-Ra and the golden spear were awesome, I didn't care too much for the other weapons. Some of them like the weapons for Evil Lyn, Mer-man, and Optikk looked mismatched. Well, you'll know what I mean when you see the pictures.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Classics Grizzlor : Hairy Henchman of the Evil Horde

Grizzlor was released in November 2010, and was sold out in under two hours. 

Real Name: Gur’Rull Gu’Rrooow Arrrk
Originally a peaceful creature from the planet Jungulia, at the young age of 428 Gur’rull was kidnapped by the Horde Empire who erased his memories so he would serve loyally in their armies. Renamed “Grizzlor”, he traveled with Hec-Tor Kur to Eternia in search of He-Ro. His ferocious attacks were so frightening that even after being banished to Despondos along with his master, Grizzlor’s legend lived on, becoming a myth told to young Eternian children. Prison Guard for the Horde, Grizzlor is ready to unleash his fierce claws to attack the forces of Eternia!

Grizzlor comes with two swords, an axe and a Horde crossbow.

Take One with Classics Grizzlor