Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

I've been a he-man devotee since I can remember. I was born in India, and was first introduced to the masters of the universe during one of my visits to the US - I must have been around five years old. Action figures weren’t introduced in India then, so dad had a standing instruction to pick up a few figures during each of his visits abroad. Those were not the days of the internet so asking dad for a specific character was impossible, all I had was the card back. Hence the fate of my collection was entirely in the hands of someone who didn’t know He-man from Faker. 

As my collection grew I realized that my dad always picked up the villains (he said he found them "more interesting") and there was a point when I had more than fifteen baddies and a castle Grayskull and no one to protect it's secrets. It was around the time when, in true Bollywood fashion, Hordak gave in to his aching conscience and decided to follow the path of truth and justice. The evil horde were absolved of their sins and declared the new caretakers of Castle Grayskull. Fanfare!

Action figures made their entry in the Indian market when I was in the fourth grade. That was when dad bought me my first hero – a Leo He-man. As you might have guessed the evil horde turned heel after my latest acquirement. More heroes joined later. I really wish I had bought a couple of extra Leo-Mattel figures and kept them mint for I'd be a rich man right now.

I am a self taught photographer, and I have long planned photographing my masters of the universe collection - vintage, 200x, and the classics. So join me, as I go through all my figures one by one reliving memories along the way.


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